MTMG - Basic Traxx
Basic Traxx
(The Special Menu)

As is the case with most programs, the Traxx main menu bar is located in the top left-hand corner of the Traxx window.  The Traxx main menu bar is comprised of six options.  Clicking on the image of each menu item will send you to a page that explains what is on that menu.


Special Drop Down Menu

Left clicking on the Special option opens this menu :


Weather Mask - Control how your track can be run.  This option over-rides the races screen settings, and limits your track to the weather settings you allow.

Random Terrain - Don't know where to place hills?  Use this option to shape the terrain in a undeterminable way and use it as your starting point for your next track.

Lighting - Use this option to set the position of the sun within your track.  Other lighting options are available also.

Texture Transitions - In addition to applying textures to individual grid squares, you can now add them according to altitude.  This can be helpful for putting snow on hilltops and/or mud under the water level, etc.

Palette - This feature is primarily intended for those using custom textures, and custom models. It allows you to include a customized master palette for you track, which the game then uses to display all your textures.  Very good results.

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