TraxxBinEdit v0.9Truck MakingModelsTracked2
Building Trucks
Building Trucks
(The TRK File)
~ by Lord Cap ~

I have been asked many times "how do I move axles"? Well I was inspired to write a help file on the TRK files found in MTM2 becuase this is where axles and many other things can be adjusted.

Ok, so here is Bigfoots TRK file and a little insight on what all this stuff means. To change any values in your custom TRK file just type over the original and save the TRK file under a new name. We will be going over lights also. Note: please remember that we are dealing with positive and negative numbers, so if the number is default -1.55 then setting the number to -1.45 would actually be increasing the number. So here goes...

MTM2 truckName
The name that will appear in the truck selection menu.
The body of the truck which is located in the models directory. You do not have to have 3 bodies like the stock trucks, one is sufficient.
The wheels and tire models located in the models directory. Usually in a three letter format, but two or four can be used. Click here to view the stock tires.
The front and rear axle model located in the models directory.
The texture for the shocks (on top of the axles). Texture is located in your ART directory.
barTextureNamebr>axlebar2.raw The texture for the suspension bars (coming from the axles and meeting in the middle). Texture is located in your ART directory.
The location where the suspension bars meet in the middle (note the ends connected to the axles cannnot be moved). The first value is how wide the center is (increasing the number will widen them, lowering will make them narrower). The second number denotes the bars center height (increasing the number will raise them and lowering the number will lower them). The third value is where the bars center will be located from front to back. (increasing the number will move them forward and decreasing will move them backwards).
The location where the driveshafts meet in the middle (note the ends connected to the axles cannnot be moved). The first value has no effect. The second number denotes the driveshafts center height (increasing the number will raise them and lowering the number will lower them). The third value is where the driveshafts center will be located from front to back. (increasing the number will move them forward and decreasing will move them backwards)
Where the front right tire is located in terms of left and right from the drivers perspective. Increasing the number will move the tire further away from the truck. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle.
Where the front left tire is located in terms of left and right from the drivers perspective. Decreasing the number will move the tire further away from the truck. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle.
Where the right rear tire is located in terms of left and right from the drivers perspective. Increasing the number will move the tire further away from the truck. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle.
Where the left rear tire is located in terms of left and right from the drivers perspective. Decreasing the number will move the tire further away from the truck. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle.
Where the front right tire is located in terms of up and down from the drivers perspective. Increasing the number will raise tire further away from the ground. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle. It is generally best to leave this set to default.
Where the front left tire is located in terms of up and down from the drivers perspective. Increasing the number will raise tire further away from the ground. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle. It is generally best to leave this set to default.
Where the right rear tire is located in terms of up and down from the drivers perspective. Increasing the number will raise tire further away from the ground. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle. It is generally best to leave this set to default.
Where the left rear tire is located in terms of up and down from the drivers perspective. Increasing the number will raise tire further away from the ground. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle. It is generally best to leave this set to default.
Where the front right tire is located in terms of forward and backward from the drivers perspective. Increasing the number will move the tire further away from the center of the truck. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle.
Where the front left tire is located in terms of forward and backward from the drivers perspective. Increasing the number will move the tire further away from the center of the truck. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle.
Where the right rear tire is located in terms of forward and backward from the drivers perspective. Decreasing the number will move the tire further away from the center of the truck. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle.
Where the left rear tire is located in terms of forward and backward from the drivers perspective. Decreasing the number will move the tire further away from the center of the truck. It is best to have the same value for both wheels on the same axle.
Scrape point 1 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 2 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 3 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 4 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 5 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 6 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 7 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 8 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 9 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 10 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 11 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Scrape point 12 body axis x,y,z
The imaginary boundaries or perimeters around the truck body. When a truck is loaded into Tracked 2 these values are automatically set.
Instrument Cluster
This is the default dash that is in MTM2.
Wave File
The three different wave files that Army Armstrong says while playing.
Number of Lights
Overall number of light located on the truck. Maximum number is 14.
Light 0 type
Light type zero means that it is a headlight, and will come on when you turn your lights on or you are driving at night.
Light 0 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 0 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
This is where you can adjust or point your lights. The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 0 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 0 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 0 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 1 type
Light type zero means that it is a headlight, and will come on when you turn your lights on or you are driving at night.
Light 1 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 1 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 1 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 1 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 1 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 2 type
Light type 1 means it is a brakelight and will come on when the brakes are applied.
Light 2 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 2 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 2 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 2 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 2 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 3 type
Light type 1 means it is a brakelight and will come on when the brakes are applied.
Light 3 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 3 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 3 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 3 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 3 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 4 type
Light type 1 means it is a brakelight and will come on when the brakes are applied.
Light 4 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 4 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 4 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 4 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 4 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 5 type
Light type 3 seems to produce the same results as light type 0 for headlight. Although light type 3 is always used for roof lights.
Light 5 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 5 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 5 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 5 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 5 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 6 type
Light type 3 seems to produce the same results as light type 0 for headlight. Although light type 3 is always used for roof lights.
Light 6 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 6 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 6 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 6 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 6 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 7 type
Light type 3 seems to produce the same results as light type 0 for headlight. Although light type 3 is always used for roof lights.
Light 7 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 7 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 7 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 7 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 7 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)

This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 8 type
Light type 3 seems to produce the same results as light type 0 for headlight. Although light type 3 is always used for roof lights.
Light 8 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 8 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 8 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 8 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 8 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 9 type
Light type 5 is a back up light and will only come on when the truck is shifted into reverse.
Light 9 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 9 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 9 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 9 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 9 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.
Light 10 type
Light type 5 is a back up light and will only come on when the truck is shifted into reverse.
Light 10 body axis pos x,y,z (ft), bitmap radius (ft)
The actual position of the light and the size of the light. Change the first number to move it left and right. Change the second number to move it up and down. Change the third number to move it forward and backward. Change the last number to adjust the size of the light. Increase the number to make it larger.
Light 10 heading (rad), pitch (rad), heading spin speed (rad/sec)
The first number adjust the left and right movement. Increase this number and the light will point towards the right. Decreasing will point it towards the left. The second number adjust the up and down movement. Increase this number and the light will point upwards. Decrease the number and the light will point down. The last number will make the light spin. Increase the number and the light will spin faster or set to zero for no spin.
Light 10 cone: length (ft), base radius (ft), rim radius (ft), texture name
This is where you adjust how large the light appears and what texture the beam will have. The first number adjust the length of the beam projected from the light. Increase the number to make it longer. The second number adjust the base of the projection, and the third number adjust the end of the projection. Increasing these number will make them larger. Note setting all these figures to zero will produce a non projection light, such as a brakelight. The texture for the beam is located in your ART folder. Remember, litefuzz.raw is the projected beam coming from the headlight (out in front of the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock beam textures.
Light 10 source: bitmap name
This is the actual RAW image for the light located in your ART folder. Remember, headlite.raw is the headlight image (the one on the truck). Any RAW image can be place here, but some will produce some odd results. Click here to view the stock light textures.
Light 10 ms on, ms off (0 if light doesn't blink)
This will make the light blink. Adjust it in milliseconds. Example, setting it for 1,1 will produce a one millisecond on, one millisecond off light.