
Programs & UtilitiesDescription
Bin Animator (95k)Make animated models. By Oliver Pieper.
BinEdit (link)Updated and winXP compatible
Bin Texture Replacer (62k)Switch model textures quick and easy.
C-Pod (408k)MTM's swiss army knife: it has something for everything.
Driver Check-in Screens (410k)New look for driver check-in, races & garage screens.
FixMore4 pod (685k)Fixes problems in the game.
MTM1 to MTM2 fixall (111k)Fixes more problems in the game.
Hall of Mirror Backdrops (12k)Must have for track makers.
FlyRawGui (71k)Convert RAW & ACT to BMP and back again
MFC dlls (575k)Traxx extras.
MTM2 Patch (909k)Must have game fixes.
File Searcher (65k)Creates LST files.
Bin Animator (56k)Make animated models. By mdmre.
Palette Master (132k)Convert ACT to PAL and back again.
mdmre Support Files (315k)Must have for mdmre programs.
mdmre Essentials (549k)All key mdmre programs and support files in one zip. No install necessary.
Podini (319k)Pod mounting program.
Pod It (compact) (15k)Pod mounting program.
Pod It (complete) (1040k)Pod mounting program.
Podmate (96k)Merge pods.
Podzip (link)Reduce pod sizes (excellent).
RawAct Plugin (6k)Photoshop import plugin.
Slice60 (link)Create track textures from a composite.
Tire Maker (45k)Makes round OBJ files.
Tracked2 (888k)TRI's track and truck editor.
Track Texture PSD (888k)A Photoshop document to speed up the track textuing process.
Traxx 1.2 (212k)Nostalgic version of traxx
Traxx 1.4 (247k)Guitar Bill's Track editor. Now freeware. Name=TRAXX, Key=ATOVBOGR
Traxx 1.5.12 (247k)Guitar Bill's Track editor updated by Richard Borchard III. Freeware.
TxBin (8k)2D modeller.
TxRaw (9k)New! Quick viewer for RAW files.
Vbrun dll (226k)Required for some programs.
2D to 3D Wavefront Object Creator (761k)Quickly make simple 3d models.
Winpod (84k)Amazing Pod Making Program.
Winpod32 (78k)Mdmre's Amazing Pod Making Program updated to 32bit by KMaster. (recommended version!)

More StuffDescription
Road Signs (756k)For your track models.

BinEdit Help (6957k)The complete MTMG BinEdit help pages.
Traxx Help (2293k)The complete MTMG Traxx help pages.
Stock Model Names (1576k)Stock models and their names with graphic illustrations.
Truck Help (4703k)The complete MTMG truck making help pages.
Texture Help (10,124k)The complete MTMG Texture help pages. Includes Slice60 and texture templates.
Odds & Ends (1994k)Includes Driver Check-in Screens, Music and the Pod.ini file.
Traxx School (468k)Guitar Bill's starter package for Traxx.
Truck making (327k)mdmre's starter package for truck making.
MTM2 Error Messages (1073k)Having problems? Check this out.