Have mark increase box count! - occurs during game play
Solution : This error seems to occur when many computer trucks are running near larger numbers of ground boxes. This appears to be a bug inherent in the mtm2 game. Specifically, if the box count is 34 with 7 or 8 trucks in the immediate vicinity you will get the "ask mark" error, while this info does no good for the person who races a track with this problem (except to reduce the opponents to 5 or less) it may be of some help to the track maker... (graphic courtesy of Emma and extra notes from Malibu350 - thanks to both).
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library - occurs during game launch on the msn gaming zone.
Solution : Reboot and try again. Possibly look for an update for your DirectX drivers. |
Dr. Watson - occurred when leaving the results screen after a network game (reported by ObeOne).
Solution : This happens every time that I hit 'enter' insted of clicking continue after a race at the results screen. Weird. |
Matrix unbalance - while attempting to lauch a track (reported by Emma)
Solution : ?? Still working on it. |
Key Frame Vertex Mismatch - while attempting to lauch a track
Solution : ?? Still working on it. |
Front lock hose - occurs during game launch (reported by Emma).
Solution : ?? May be related to a full hard disk. |
Hose Name! - occurs during game launch (reported by Psyco).
Solution : ?? Still working on it. |
Model Read Hose - occurs during game launch (reported by ??).
Solution : ?? Still working on it. |
ArrayError_InvalidElement - occurs during zone game play or while browsing trucks in driver check in (reported by Bad311).
Solution : Reboot and try again. But if you would like an explanation, try this on for size: Yeah, the array element used to render a vertex was invalid, probably due to hierarchical imbalance in the warp core glArrayElement. Such elements are used within glBegin/glEnd pairs to specify vertex and attribute data for point, line and polygon primitives. When glArrayElementEXT is called a single vertex is drawn, using vertex and attribute data taken from location of the enabled arrays. Because each call specifies only a single vertex, it is possible to explicitly specify per-primitive attributes, such as a single normal per individual floating point. If static array elements are modified and the arrays are not respecified, the results of any subsequent calls to glArrayElementEXT are undefined and glArrayElementEXT executes even if GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_EXT is not enabled. No drawing occurs in this case, but the attributes corresponding to enabled arrays are modified. Although it is not an error to respecify an array between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of glEnd, the result of such respecification is invalid. Thats the problem. If you tweak your sentient nodes you shouldn't have too much trouble in the future.
Too many demo indicies - occurs during replay.
Solution : ??? |