These templates were created by EmceeMart and are intended to complement the 90º templates on page 10.
Again, if you use these templates to create your texture sets, then you will only need to do step 8 and step 9 from this tutorial since the making of the templates has already been done for you.
The straight roads from all four 45º template sets are interchangeable so that it is possible to use all these different size corners in the same track. Noting the caution on the previous page, seams will align with each other as well as with road textures created using the 90º templates.
Note. EmceeMart has left an outer 60x60 edge on each template. Just as with the 90º templates, this facilitates an easy crop and paste into Traxx 1.4.
Reminder. Precise measurements are crucial. One pixel will throw out texture alignment.